Automatically Log Product Feedback

Automatically log & uncover product insights from Slack, customer conversations & more using AI

Mistly - Automatically find, log & summarize product feedback | Product Hunt

AI Powered Automated Logging

Productly can automatically log product feedback from designated Slack channels, Zoom calls & more in a single place using AI.

You can also manually log feedback right from Slack with a single click!

Uncover Insights with AI

Now you can ask Productly anything about your product feedback!

Ask anything from "What is the most requested features?" to more fine grained questions like "What are the top complaints around our payment screen?"

Identify Feature Requests & More

Productly can automatically identify and track feature requests, improvements and bugs from your customer & sales conversations.

See how many people requested them, screen through the relevant feedback & more to build better products  faster!

Never Lose Track with Recaps

Productly will automatically send weekly recaps of your product feedback right to you as a Slack notification!

Never lose track of what your customers are saying ever again!

Communicate Faster & Build Love

You can notify relevant customers when a feature or a bug they mentioned is resolved with a single click of a button!

Make your customers feel heard and build more love with personalized communication all within Productly!